Bucket List

My Bucket List

[Note: The ones crossed off have been completed.]

Keep a diary for a straight year

Arrange my books in rainbow order

Meet a famous author (I met Marissa Meyer!)

Meet Malala Yousafzai

Go to a Taylor Swift concert

Be published in a magazine

Have a book published

Finish a book

Finish five books

Finish ten books

Do an actual French braid on myself

Dye my hair

Win one NaNoWriMo

Win two NaNoWriMo’s

Win two Camp NaNoWriMo’s

Win five NaNoWriMo’s

Win five Camp NaNoWriMo’s

Pull an overnight

Own my own cat

Become a booktuber/make one booktube video

Get 100 followers on this blog

Get 100 followers on AGV

Go to BEA

Write a guest post on someone else’s blog

Win a giveaway

Play electric violin/own an electric violin

Sing in my choir at Great America

Win a creative writing contest

Go on a trip around Europe

Have my own book signing

Be in the newspaper

Own an iPhone

Finish a 100-4-100 Challenge

Write a fanfiction and post it on WattPad

Dress up as a character from a book for Halloween

Buy 20 books at once

Post 1,000 times on this blog

Post 1,000 times on AGV

Comment, maybe? :)