Dictionaries, Highlighters, and An Update on My Reading

I added a NEW page to this blog titled “Simple Words Dictionary.” It is full of words used every day with crazy meanings for authors. I was inspired by Erin @ The Upstairs Archives. She has her own awesome dictionary of super cool words she made up herself. You can find Erin’s dictionary here.

Along with words like “blot bunnies” (they are the reasoning behind plot twists) and “goblins” (which cause computer problems like shut downs and memory loss), Erin has a few silly quotes by herself. Here they are:

Broad is the road that leads to destruction, an narrow the path that leads to salvation. (And sometimes it’s purple.)

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A plot is something I use to get back at the people living inside me head.

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All authors are high-functioning sociopaths. We just confine our murders to fictional people.

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I love the last one; it’s so true!

Last night, as I was thinking about what to post today, for some unknown reason I started thinking about the difference between highlighters and markers. I mean, can’t you just highlight something with a bright marker? So I scoured the web and came up with two useful Wikipedia pages, which I will quote.

Google Search #1: What is the difference between a highlighter and a marker?

Wikipedia says…

Being fluorescent, highlighter ink glows under black light.

Google Search #2: What is black light?

Wikipedia says…

A black light, also referred to as a UV-A light, Wood’s lamp, or simply ultraviolet light, is a lamp which emits long wave (UVA) ultraviolet light and not much visible light. The lamp has a violet filter material, either on the bulb or in a separate glass filter in the lamp housing, which blocks most visible light and allows through UV, so the lamp has a dim violet glow when operating. Black light bulbs which have this filter have a lighting industry designation that includes the letters “BLB”.

Examples of Black Light:

Isn’t that cool? Now you learned something new!

I read a lot of To Kill a Mockingbird this morning, and I am LOVING it. The courtroom scene is do far my favorite; I love it. I’m hoping to finish the book by Wednesday, at the very latest.

Also: Today marks the first day of the September My Hero Monday linkup! I’m kicking it off with a young girl in recent news, so head on over to TIMV to check it out. Keep checking each Monday for the links to other bloggers’ posts. And if you didn’t get the chance to sign up this time, go to the last post of the month, done by me, on the 29th, and sign up in that commenting area.

What did you think of the quotes from Erin? Tell me in the comments below.


TCWT August Blog Chain

Second post today, so sorry, breathless…Hm. I was supposed to do the blog chain yesterday, but, because I’m so crazy, I forgot! Sorry!!!

“What character are you most like?”

Hermione Granger You had to know I’d do her. I mean, come on. We both are intelligent and generally levelheaded. But we both can be emotional at times. This is so me! I tend to be a [relatively] organized person, who keeps her head on straight. I stick up for what I believe in [S.P.E.W., anyone?] and for the people I love. Maybe I am at the top of my class…I don’t know really. I LOVE reading, and I do, um, correct people. A lot.

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Plus, we both have impossibly frizzy and poofy hair. And messed up teeth. [Actually, I have braces now, so…]

Sometimes I am so emotionally unstable, it’s just laughable. Today, there were complications with some homework–no biggie, right?–and I started crying. Crying. Whenever anything happens, and this has gone on lately, I will just use it to channel all my negative feelings and end up a crying mess. But then again, I am really skilled at looking completely together on the outside and saying “I’m fine,” when honestly I want to break down. So it just depends. The latter happens at school, when I’m around people. At home, I’m completely different.

We’ve both dressed up prettily and gone to a dance. But mine was not as emotional. Poor Hermione.

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Hermione represents my bookish, nerdy, intelligent, school-y side. At home, I am so much different. And on this blog, too! At school, I am a wallflower, the studious, quiet girl who gets good grades and writes. She is pretty bad at sports, has a few friends, and is really good at spelling.

Is it bad that I’m trying to break free of that label? I want to express myself more, dye my hair, get a new haircut, dress differently, be freer. Whenever I mention dying my hair or something, my friends look at me like I’m crazy and say, “Really? You, Chloe? That’s not you at all.” And it makes me aggravated! But I’m [probably] going to a new school next year, and I plan on reinventing myself.

Hermione and I have so much in common. I love her to death! She is such a good role model (you can see my post about her on TIMV here).


Poll Time!

Sorry that I forgot to do a poll yesterday (Saturday). I had everything figured out, but my thoughts got scattered, and well, it just went downhill from there. And so, without further adieu, the poll!

Please answer honestly, because I need the advice. If you have any other ways of dealing with pain and the like, tell me in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!

Right now I’m on page 440-something in City of Heavenly Fire–be prepared for a review soon! I’m not sure if I should have spoilers in it or not. I might do both, because it’s just so–AAH!


I am typing away at Nakoma, but I just realized a stupid mistake on my part.

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I will now have to do a major rewrite. Yay!!! -_- Anyway, it’s coming along. It is not, however, going to be ready for querying by November. Chloe, what were you thinking?! Maybe I’ll finish by then. I’m lucky if I’ll be querying by January. At least that’s what I’m aiming for.

For readers of TIMV, I will post on Monday for MHM. Otherwise, no major happenings. I don’t feel the need to post. Sorry to those of you waiting. There’s always YouTube…

Right! I just remembered. Remember a loooong time ago when I did the poll about the real book VS ebook debate? Do you remember if you voted and said you loved it and would like to participate? If so, please comment below with your name, blog URL, and your position (real book or ebook). If you either didn’t vote or…something else, but would like to participate, comment below with your name, blog URL and position. Sorry for those non-bloggers interested! It would be too hard, I’m afraid.

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I said I was sorry!

So, anyway, vote, comment, like, follow–you know.

signature2PS Don’t you love my signature? “In the text” instead of “in the flesh”? Cute, right?

Yes, I Know It’s Monday

I just had to post today. [And don’t worry, I will do MHM and write afterwards.] I downloaded Scrivener last night, and I’m so happy! After I start using it and get to know it, I’ll probably do a “how to” guide about it on here, so stay tuned! But that could take a month or so…Don’t sit here, staring at your computer screen. Please. Go do stuff! But, yeah, I found that to be pretty great.

A little update on what I’m reading… Yes, I’m still on City of Heavenly Fire. It’s a long book! I’m on about page 400. It’s soooo good. Can’t wait to review it! After CoHF, I’ll read If I Stay. I’m so excited about this! I’ve been wanting to read this book since the beginning of summer; and I can’t wait to see the movie. Here’s the trailer:

I felt connected to the characters just in the trailer! This has got to be an awesome movie.

Then I’ll read a biography of a legally blind sled dog racer, and from there–who knows? [Actually, I will probably read The Infernal Devices series.] I’ll take book recommendations!

I’d like to acknowledge Nevillegirl (aka Engie), who just started following both of my blogs. Head on over to hers here.

And now, I promise you, I’m leaving and heading over to TIMV for MHM. Tomorrow, be prepared for a super cool TTT. [I don’t know what about yet, though. Maybe I’ll check The broke and the Bookish.] AND a video from Kat (aka Katytastic) about writing and how to improve. So you’ll be busy for some time.

See you tomorrow!

Au revoir,


An Update on My Very Busy Life

My life has gotten so busy and tiring, I can barely put it into words. I haven’t had much time, nor the inspiration, to write Nakoma, so I will probably not get to 3,000 words by the end of this week.

On another note, go to TIMV to link up for My Hero Monday, if you haven’t already. [And I know you haven’t.] I think it’s really fun, so at least give it a try. I just need 3-4 people! Minimum! So pop on over by clicking this link and comment on the post to sign up.

I guess that’s all… Random GIF time!

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I remember Sesame Street… Cue the nostalgia.

