My Hero Monday


My Hero Monday is a linkup created by me. It celebrates female heroes in our society, and promotes learning about new heroes.

Every month, bloggers can leave their name, blog URL, and any dates that do not work for them to post on in the comment section of a post at the end of each month. For example, if you want to join the linkup in October, sign up on the last Monday post of September.

I used to host this on my other blog, A Girl’s Voice, but that blog has been deleted for numerous reasons.


1. Post the above image that says “My Hero Monday” on your post and have it link to my blog, or put my blog’s link in your post.

2. Please do not do this without linking up first. That way, I can link to your post on my blog.

3. No explicit or sexual language should be put in your post.

4. No racism, sexism or making fun of someone–this is to celebrate a hero and inform people about them.

5. No plagiarizing information from other sites. You can use a website to obtain information, but put it into your own words.

If you break any of these rules, I will not permit you to participate in the linkup for three months. After three months, if you wish to continue, I will let you. If you break the rules again, then I will not let you participate ever again.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please tell me in the comments below. I will do my best to a) answer in a timely manner


b) answer to the best of my ability

Here is the format for it:

[image of hero]


Date of Birth


When did I first hear about her?

What makes her one of my heroes?


I hope you enjoy participating in this linkup! Please tell other bloggers so I can make it more popular.

Here are some examples of posts done by other bloggers:

Shadowcat by Bridget @ Stay and Watch the Stars

Malinda Lo by Engie @ Musings From Neville’s Navel

Maggie Steifvater by Cait @ Paper Fury

Comment, maybe? :)