Book Review of City of Heavenly Fire, a.k.a. Add All the Feels and Stake You in the Heart

Honestly, that’s what it was like. I’m going to try to keep this review spoiler-free, but I might do a bit of spoiling in a discussion rant afterwards. So, continue to calmly read my spoiler-free review below, but once that ends, go. Just go. [Unless you’ve read CoHF; that’s different.]

City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

Title: City of Heavenly Fire

Author: Cassandra Clare

Number of Pages: 725 [Yes, it is a tome. I know.]

Genre: YA Fantasy

Overall Rating: 5/5 stars [I mean, it would be impossible not to give it five stars. It would just be…wrong. So wrong.]

Summary From Cover: In this dazzling and long-awaited conclusion to the acclaimed Mortal Instruments series, Clary and her friends fight the greatest evil they have ever faced: Clary’s own brother.
Sebastian Morgenstern is on the move, systematically turning Shadowhunter against Shadowhunter. Bearing the Infernal Cup, he transforms Shadowhunters into creatures out of nightmare, tearing apart families and lovers as the ranks of his Endarkened army swell.
The embattled Shadowhunters withdraw to Idris – but not even the famed demon towers of Alicante can keep Sebastian at bay. And with the Nephilim trapped in Idris, who will guard the world against demons?
When one of the greatest betrayals the Nephilim have ever known is revealed, Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Simon, and Alec must flee – even if their journey takes them deep into the demon realms, where no Shadowhunter has set foot before, and from which no human being has ever returned…
Love will be sacrificed and lives lost in the terrible battle for the fate of the word in the thrilling final installment of the classic urban fantasy series The Mortal Instruments!

Discussion: OMG. Just, OMG. I know, not the most poetic or descriptive choice of words, but it’s very accurate. Be prepared to say this after you read it. Because you’re going to. Even if I have to tie you to a chair, duct tape your mouth shut, and scream it at you.


I’m trying to save some of my ideas for the spoiler discussion below. If you have read this lovely, torturous book, feel free to skip below; I don’t mind. This might be a bit sucky, actually.

First of all, the feels. They are overwhelming. [I guess this whole spoiler-free discussion will be a warning. (CAUTION: This book may cause emotions, feels, crying, trauma, elation, and unwilling laughing at inopportune times in public. Read with head, my dear friend. Proceed with caution.)] Be prepared to die inside, to laugh in public, to tear up, to feel like someone has stabbed you in the gut, to be so freaking happy you just have to tell everyone, to be perceived as a lunatic. These are all side effects.

The feels are everything. Yes, there is a plot. Yes, there are characters. Yes, there are relationships and kissing and swearing and drama and sacrifice and beauty. But, really, it all revolves around feelings. You can feel the characters’ pain and love and joy. You are them.

I really don’t no what else to say, except this:

feels animated GIF

And I don’t even like Adventure Time!

If you have not read this book or series, go get it now. And, BTW, don’t read below, because…


So, bye now. Bye!

SPOILER Discussion: I…I don’t even know where to beg–


Simon is my favorite character. And when he volunteered to give up his immortality and his memories in the demon world, I wanted to go inside the book, slap him, push Magnus to his father and say “Have him instead!” and then possibly kiss Simon. But then Isabelle would have killed me. Seriously, though, Simon is my fave. It pained me so to think know, while I was sitting in a hot car staring at highway, Simon was a mundane and couldn’t remember Clary. He would grow up, go back to his mother, be in the band–be human. He is my OTP, though. Where are you, real-life Simon?

And the whole thing with Sebastian was creepy. Being in love with your sister, even when you don’t know what love is? I wanted to stab him! When Clary sat onto that throne, my heart was crumpled and thrown into the trash. Thank goodness it was her plan!

Jace has grown on be a bit. I find him much too perfect, egotistical, arrogant, heroic–Maybe I don’t like him at all. He reminds me of Jason from Heroes of Olympus; superman perfect. Although his moments with Clary are sweet.

Izzy is just as awesome as ever, Alec is still Alec, and the world still revolves around the sun. Everything is good and fine. I guess I would’ve liked a more…devastating ending, I guess. Maybe a major character dying, perhaps like, erm, *cough* Jace *cough*.

*protects self while fangirls run at me*

Love this quote! And Izzy.

And Emma! Dear Emma, I do adore and admire her so. She’s a lovely addition, although I do wish she was in on more of the action, I suppose.

To conclude my epic (as in epic, I mean long) review, I would like to say that although it was a bit of a traumatic experience, I loved CoHF.

Thanks for getting here! Sorry it was a bit on the long side, but I really felt like ranting and warning. y next read will be Malala Yousafzai’s newest book, I Am Malala: How One girl Stood Up For Education and Changed the World. Did you enjoy CoHF? Tell me in the comments below!


Poll Time!

Sorry that I forgot to do a poll yesterday (Saturday). I had everything figured out, but my thoughts got scattered, and well, it just went downhill from there. And so, without further adieu, the poll!

Please answer honestly, because I need the advice. If you have any other ways of dealing with pain and the like, tell me in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!

Right now I’m on page 440-something in City of Heavenly Fire–be prepared for a review soon! I’m not sure if I should have spoilers in it or not. I might do both, because it’s just so–AAH!


I am typing away at Nakoma, but I just realized a stupid mistake on my part.

embarrassed animated GIF

I will now have to do a major rewrite. Yay!!! -_- Anyway, it’s coming along. It is not, however, going to be ready for querying by November. Chloe, what were you thinking?! Maybe I’ll finish by then. I’m lucky if I’ll be querying by January. At least that’s what I’m aiming for.

For readers of TIMV, I will post on Monday for MHM. Otherwise, no major happenings. I don’t feel the need to post. Sorry to those of you waiting. There’s always YouTube…

Right! I just remembered. Remember a loooong time ago when I did the poll about the real book VS ebook debate? Do you remember if you voted and said you loved it and would like to participate? If so, please comment below with your name, blog URL, and your position (real book or ebook). If you either didn’t vote or…something else, but would like to participate, comment below with your name, blog URL and position. Sorry for those non-bloggers interested! It would be too hard, I’m afraid.

sad animated GIF

I said I was sorry!

So, anyway, vote, comment, like, follow–you know.

signature2PS Don’t you love my signature? “In the text” instead of “in the flesh”? Cute, right?

Yes, I Know It’s Monday

I just had to post today. [And don’t worry, I will do MHM and write afterwards.] I downloaded Scrivener last night, and I’m so happy! After I start using it and get to know it, I’ll probably do a “how to” guide about it on here, so stay tuned! But that could take a month or so…Don’t sit here, staring at your computer screen. Please. Go do stuff! But, yeah, I found that to be pretty great.

A little update on what I’m reading… Yes, I’m still on City of Heavenly Fire. It’s a long book! I’m on about page 400. It’s soooo good. Can’t wait to review it! After CoHF, I’ll read If I Stay. I’m so excited about this! I’ve been wanting to read this book since the beginning of summer; and I can’t wait to see the movie. Here’s the trailer:

I felt connected to the characters just in the trailer! This has got to be an awesome movie.

Then I’ll read a biography of a legally blind sled dog racer, and from there–who knows? [Actually, I will probably read The Infernal Devices series.] I’ll take book recommendations!

I’d like to acknowledge Nevillegirl (aka Engie), who just started following both of my blogs. Head on over to hers here.

And now, I promise you, I’m leaving and heading over to TIMV for MHM. Tomorrow, be prepared for a super cool TTT. [I don’t know what about yet, though. Maybe I’ll check The broke and the Bookish.] AND a video from Kat (aka Katytastic) about writing and how to improve. So you’ll be busy for some time.

See you tomorrow!

Au revoir,


Top Ten Tuesday

TTT is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

TTT is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

It’s that time again: Top Ten Tuesday! This week’s TTT is ten books I cannot wait to get my hands on!

Ten Books I Can’t Wait to Read

1. To Kill a Mocking Bird [It is on my teacher’s shelf!]

2. If I Stay [I got it two days ago.]

3. The Blood of Olympus

4. Winter

5. Dorothy Must Die

6. The Infernal Devices series

7. Graceling

8. Eleanor & Park

9. Fangirl

10. The Book Thief [It slipped through my fingers…]

I can’t wait to read any and all of these!

Also, I did not get to finish Love, Stargirl, because all the library books had to be taken back. The consequences of getting too many books at once… BUT on the bright side, I got two amazing books! One being the recently released City of Heavenly Fire for 25 dollars; it was worth it. And the second, If I Stay. So excited to read it and watch the movie! I hope it lives up to the hype…

Note to self: August TCWT chain is on 22nd for me.

I hope you enjoyed my post! Are there any books on my list you want to read, too, or any books you really want to read that aren’t on it? Tell me in the comments below.

Luv ya bunches! Don’t forget to check out my newly added page, “My Somewhat Social Media.”