About My Reviewing

On this blog, not only do I post about my fandoms, show you cat GIFs, and talk about how hard writing is, I review books! So this is a page all about what books I review, my rating system, and such. Enjoy!

NOTE: Be sure to read through the entire page because there is an important part at the bottom (and important parts scattered everywhere).

I review Middle Grade and Young Adult books. I read maaaaany genres, so you can see a wide variety that I review. I do not read sexually explicit books, or adult books. I occasionally will read nonfiction, such as a biography, but you will not see much of it here.

If you are a publishing company, author, or anyone else and would like me to review a book, either for money or not, please fill out the contact from below or email me at authoress4life(AT)gmail(DOT)com. I will email you ASAP. [I have virtually no life, so I will probably respond fairly quickly.] I will try not to make you wait too long for the review, but please understand that if I have a lot on my plate, the review may be delayed.

My reviews are brutally honest, and [mostly] are spoiler-free. I will review books I dislike, unless I do not end up finishing them (which happens frequently). I do not review books I do not finish, unless I have only a few pages left; then I might do a mini-review or something.

If you are an author who wants me to review your book, I will try my very best not to be rude. I will, however, point out typos, because I am just that type of person. I will not judge your personality by your books or say anything rude about you. In fact, I won’t do that for any review I write.

Here is my book review format:

[image of book cover]

title of book and author



number of pages


overall rating (see below for explanation of this rating system)

summary from cover


The image I get online, but if I can’t find one (unlikely) I will just take a picture myself.

[Skipping title, author, pages, and genre.]

The rating system I use is stars. I will use whole numbers and fractions (i.e., 4.5 stars).

5 stars: A great book! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I love the writing, plot, characters, and basically everything. I would recommend it to friends. [Please note that I use this lightly, and may have lots of 5-star books.]

4 stars: I really liked it, but it could be improved in some parts. [You can see in the “discussion” part why.] I would recommend it to friends.

3 stars: It was okay, but it could have been better. There might be some typos. I would recommend it to friends, but I would warn them that I didn’t thoroughly enjoy it.

2 stars: Meh. I didn’t particularly enjoy most of it. I would not recommend it.

1 stars: It was horrible! Everything about it was horrid. I would not recommend it to anyone, unless they would like to use the pages to blow their nose or as an umbrella. [This will be rare. Even Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, which I despised, gets 2 stars.]

The summary from the cover I will most likely get online, unless I can’t find it anywhere, and then I will resort to painstakingly typing it from the book. Or if it’s really short.

The discussion is the “why” of the overall rating. It will usually contain at least one GIF that describes how I feel or just adds to the review in a cool and glamorous way. ‘Cuz I’m all about the cool and glamorous, baby.

Please note that I only read and review physical, paper books. I hate reading online or on a device. Sorry for those of you whose books are only available as ebooks.

Now you know my policies. Go ahead and recommend a book. Go on!

One thought on “About My Reviewing

  1. You should really look into “The mother Daughter Book Club” By Heather Vogel Frederick
    There are 6 books and the author is working on the last book.
    The first 3 books are nice, they are for 12-13 year old’s but as the girls in the book get older the book gets a little bitty bit more mature, Not a really crazy, but enjoyable.
    These books are about 5 girls who are trying to navigate through middle school, These 5 girls, Couldn’t be more different.
    There’s the, Fashion forward Queen Bee, There’s the Cocky Jock, The Poet, and the shy girl who everyone thinks is mute, but isn’t.
    They never thought they would be friends. EVER. but as years go by, they realize that maybe the books club that there Mothers, brought together isn’t such a bad idea.
    They survive middle school drama together, first dances, first Kisses, secret crushes, and all that girl stuff.
    I really hope you can review it!
    -Daisy Blogger

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