Top Ten Warnings I Want to See on Books


TTT is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

TTT is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Warnings I Want to See on Books

Note: This is not the TTT from The Broke and the Bookish.

Disclaimer: I got the idea from Verbosity Book Reviews. [And if you are reading this, please note that I loved your idea and I wanted to make my own.]

1. WARNING: This book may cause excessive fangirling and rereading. [Specifically for Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and Divergent, plus maaaaany others.]

2. CAUTION: It cannot be guaranteed that these pages will remain dry. [Specifically for TFIOS; although I only teared up, I know other people drowned in their tears.]

3. WARNING: This book contains deaths of many loved characters. [Specifically for Harry Potter and Divergent.]

4. WARNING: This book is insanely awesome. [There are too many specifics to list.]

5. CAUTION: Fluffy contemporary ahead. Contains romance, friendship, and possible misunderstandings. [To all the pink and fluffy contemporaries of the world.]

6. YOU’VE READ THIS? HA. YOU HAVE NOW BEEN REELED IN. GOOD LUCK. [To the books with crazy fandoms.]

7. WARNING: This series has either one or more unnecessary books. Proceed with caution. [Hello there, Hunger Games!]

8. WARNING: This is how the world may end up. Better read this book now to learn what to do, right? [Specifically to The Lunar Chronicles, Divergent, and Tomorrow Girls.]

9. CAUTION: Amazing, awesome writing ahead. You will never be better at writing than this author. [*cough* J. K. Rowling *cough*]

10. WARNING: Although this book seems short, it is packed with lots of mind-blowing information that is only barely noticed and you will wonder about. Forever. [Specifically for The Giver.]

Did you like this list? Would you add any other warnings? Tell me in the comments below.


Some Notes About Comments and How J.K. Rowling Tricked Us All

Contrary to the title, I will be talking about J.K. Rowling’s greatest trick yet in the Harry Potter series. [If you have not read the Harry Potter books, I suggest that you do not read this part of the post and skip down to the second part about comments.] I assume you are aware, or at least partially aware, of the Hogwarts motto: Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus.

What do you think it means in English? Before I knew the actual translation, I thought it was something about learning, or teaching, or how young witches and wizards are so important, or something relevant and meaningful like that. I never really thought about it, though, until I got my Hogwarts shirt about two weeks ago.

I know it's not a good picture!

I know it’s not a good picture!

Once I had bought it, I thought, What in the world does this mean? So I entered it into Google Translate, and the translation is: Never tickle a sleeping dragon. I thought it was wrong, so I then proceeded to go on Wikipedia and various Harry Potter sites to find the correct translation. They all said the same thing: Never tickle a sleeping dragon.

And that, my good readers, is how J.K. Rowling tricked us all (unless, of course, you expected that, but I highly doubt it).

Now onto my next topic: comments (I am using colons a lot! Just realized that…). I love comments; they make me happy! In fact, when I get a ton of emails, and I see a lot of them are comments, I’m happy. I’m sure other bloggers can relate.

A lot of the time, I will not respond to comments on my blog, unless they are a question. Just know that I am not ignoring you, or I don’t care. I usually either do not have time (i.e., I have to write) or I don’t find a need to. Feel free to respond to others’ comments if you’d like to share their excitement or answer their question.

I just wanted to clear that up, in case anyone felt hurt or something. Just remember that comments make me smile, and they don’t take too long to write (especially if you’re a WordPress member!). So if you’d like to comment, great! And if you don’t, comment anyway. :P

[Random Note About Me: I really don’t like goats! One time when I was really little I pet a goat, but it ate the rind off my finger and bit me, too. I am now thoroughly traumatized.]

Today is Friday! Which means it’s the end of the school week for those in school, and it’s the day I post on both of my blogs. So that means today is a poll. This Friday’s poll is about commenting. I mean, how fitting, right? [I was considering doing something about Harry Potter, but then there are the non-Potterheads, so…]

Thanks for reading my post! I hope you enjoyed it and did the poll. Did you know about the Hogwarts motto? If so, how did you find out and how did you react? And if not, how did you react during this post? Tell me in the comments below (remember, comments make me happy!!!).

Carpe diem!

Have a good day/night/afternoon/morning,


Word Crimes Video and Other Random Stuff That Pops Into My Head

As you may or may not know, I am a grammar stickler. Cop. Queen. Take your pick. This video pretty much sums up that side of me. It’s a parody of “Blurred Lines.” Check it out:

Today is the day where I post on both of my blogs. The link to the post on TIMV is here. Speaking of TIMV, I already have 8 followers! If you follow this blog, consider heading on over to my other one. I also have 22 followers on this blog, so thank you, guys and girls. If you haven’t subscribed, the button’s on the right. (Hint, hint.)

I recently visited the blog Teens Can Write, Too, and was enlightened. [Before I continue, may I note that I find very small things spectacular sometimes, and this may be one of those cases. Nevertheless, this is still a very cool blog.] John, the blogger, posts about querying, agents, different types of publishing–and that’s only what I’ve looked at. If you don’t already know about this blog, click the link above and you will be magically transported to John’s blog… And, may I add, John is a male blogger and writer. I do not come across many of those (at least teens).

Now that I’m being completely random, this calls for a…cat gif!

OMG, this cat has a superpower! Of chillaxing, any time it wants.

Speaking of cats, I changed my Camp NaNo profile picture to an edited and dramatized photo of my cat.


One last random thing… a poll! It takes roughly ten seconds to complete, and I promise you will not be wasting your time. It is a poll about your favorite author! (So I can semi-stay on this writing theme.)

