Top Ten…Wednesday? PLUS: Tear-Jerker Movie Review!

Sorry; I missed Top Ten Tuesday, so pretend it’s Tuesday. Or if you’re in a different time zone and it is Tuesday, then you’re fine. Now, I present to you, ladies and gentleman, TOP TEN TUESDAY! *clapping*

My Top Ten Favorite Authors and ONE Book/Series They Wrote:

NOTE: This excludes J. K. Rowling and Rick Riordan, who are my default favorite authors. Also, the list is arranged so that number one is my absolute favorite.

10. Piper Banks – Geek High

9. Sheila Turnage – Three Times Lucky

8. Michael Buckley – The Sisters Grimm series

7. Veronica Roth – Divergent trilogy

6. Maile Meloy – The Apothecary

5. Anne Lamott – Bird by Bird

4. Cassandra Clare – The Mortal Instruments series

3. Tamora Pierce – Melting Stones (just one of her many books and the one I read recently)

2. Marissa Meyer – The Lunar Chronicles series

1. John Green – The Fault in Our Stars

That was TTT. Or TTW, I guess. Hehe.

Warning: TFIOS Spoilers Below!


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It. Was. So. Good. I cried a bit… Anyway, the real review.

Title: The Fault in Our Stars

Main Characters/Actors: Hazel/Shailene Woodley, Augustus/Ansel Elgort

Synopsis: Hazel is a teen with cancer. Her mother forces her to go to Support Group, where she meets Augustus Waters. They form a relationship made on An Imperial Affliction, Hazel’s favorite book, late-night phone calls, and Gus’s love. They have adventures, from a Dutch picnic to Amsterdam to meet Peter Van Houten, who wrote An Imperial Affliction. Then a sudden change in Augustus’s health changes things for the worse. Read the book/watch the movie to find out what happens!

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Dislikes: They took out scenes! And changed the famous egg line. WHY???

The people in front of us were:

crying animated GIF

While my dad and I were:

sad animated GIF

Have you seen TFIOS? What did you think? Tell me in the comments below.




Back From the Woods

I’m back from the wilderness…at last a shower, foot-soak, fingernail polish, and internet! It was painful, dude. I’m not a woodsy chick. I’d gladly live in the city instead of the middle of nowhere when I grow up. I NEED MALLS!!!


Now that I’m done being so happy I’m home, I have some stuff to cover, from volcanoes to tennis racquets and everything in between. While I was camping, I read some books. I read Ink and Melting Stones, and I re-read The Fault In Our Stars. Mainly because it’s so freaking good! I didn’t cry, even though I kind of wanted to…maybe my tear ducts are b-r-o-k-e-n. I’ll have to get them checked out… Just kidding. :P

I really looooooooved Ink; I didn’t want it to end, it was that good. It’s a love story set in Japan packed with magical calligraphy writers called kami and culture. I really enjoy reading books set in countries other than my own so that I can learn about their cultures. It seems like there are too many books set in fully-developed, white, modern societies when, if you think about it, there are a ton of other third-world countries that are much more exciting than fat Americans eating cheeseburgers and vegetating. That’s off-topic.

cat animated GIFThe other book, Melting Stones, is by Tamora Pierce. I have fallen in love with her writing. It flows, describes, accentuates–everything. It’s also a bit like my writing, and I tend to lean toward authors who have styles similar to mine so that I can relate. But it’s also–God, I could watch that kitten all night long–good to read books that have styles unlike yours, or mine, so you, or I, can learn from them. Off-topic again. I’m really pushing it today, aren’t I? Sorry. All of Tamora’s (Can I call her Tamora? Or should I say Pierce…?) books are set in a fictional world with magic and nature and knights and castles and mythical creatures. I love that alone. This particular book revolves around Evvy, a stone mage. She and two other mages are sent to an island to investigate a series of dying plants. Then Evvy starts noticing volcanic rocks and shakes in the ground…read what happens in the book! The only complaint I have is that there are a lot of references to Evvy’s past that aren’t explained enough, and it makes it seem as if there is a whole other prequel to Melting Stones to read.

I’m going to start up on Nakoma soon, since I realized I’ll be gone most of the time of Camp NaNoWriMo.

It’s getting late-ish, and I have internet chores to do.

Love hearing from you, sweeties! Remember to comment, like, and follow. If you don’t, I might have to set my lipstick taser on you. Or let the dragon out… You have been warned.




Stacking the Shelves

Stacking the Shelves is a meme I really love! For those of you who don’t know what it is, it’s where the blogger (me) gets books (either buying or borrowing) and tells their readers (you!) about them. So, I went to the library today. I had in mind four books that are similar to The Fault In Our Stars (which I’m currently obsessed with; I changed the colors of my braces to the ones on the cover of TFIOS). Unfortunately, the library had none of them! :'( I did put a hold on Looking For Alaska by John Green. BTW, he is one popular dude right now; all of his books at the library are checked out! Go, John Green! But boo me, because I can’t get his books. Anyway, here are the books I got:

DELLA - WIN_20140609_180304The first one, Ink, by Amanada Sun, I’ve seen on WattPad. I believe I’ve read some of it, but it seems pretty interesting.

Number two on the list is Cat in the Mirror by Mary Stolz. It has cat on the cover=my weakness. I just skimmed the synopsis, but the beginning is really good.

Tamora Pierce’s Melting Stones graces the third spot in my mini collection. Basically, anything by Tamora Pierce is amazing. The cover shows an Asian young woman, which I think is great; we don’t have enough multi-cultural books.

The last book is The Art of Flying by Judy Hoffman. It’s about a boy that gets turned into a sparrow and has to get changed back.

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Have you looked at the Google home screen today? If you haven’t, check it out! It’s done by eleven-year-old Audrey Zhang. Click here to learn more.

I got a Pinterest account, too. My username is BecauseILoveYou.

Carpe librum,
