Book Review: Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

Title: Clockwork Prince

Author: Cassandra Clare

Number of Pages: 498

Genre: YA Fantasy

Overall Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Synopsis: In the magical underworld of Victorian London, Tessa Gray, has at last found safety with the Shadowhunters. But that safety proves fleeting when rogue forces in the Clave plot to see her protector, Charlotte, replaced as head of the Institute. If Charlotte loses her position, Tessa will be out on the street, and easy prey for the mysterious Magister, who wants to use Tessa’s powers for his own dark ends. With the help of the handsome, self-destructive Will and the fiercely devoted Jem, Tessa discovers that the Magister’s war on the Shadowhunters is deeply personal. He blames them for a long-ago tragedy that shattered his life.

To unravel the secrets of the past, the trio journeys from mist-shrouded Yorkshire to a manor house that holds untold horrors, from the slums of London to an enchanted ballroom where Tessa discovers that the truth of her parentage is more sinister than she had imagined. When they encounter a clockwork demon bearing a warning for Will, they realize that the Magister himself knows their every move, and that one of their own has betrayed them.

Tessa finds her heart drawn more and more to Jem, but her longing for Will, despite his dark moods, continues to unsettle her. But something is changing in Will; the wall he has built around himself is crumbling. Could finding the Magister free Will from his secrets, and give Tessa the answers about who she is and what she was born to do?

As their dangerous search for the Magister and the truth leads the friends into peril, Tessa learns that when love and lies are mixed, they can corrupt even the purest heart.

Discussion: I liked this book waaaaaaay more than the first book in The Infernal Devices trilogy. The first book’s plot isn’t as complex as I wanted it to be, and it was kind of predictable. But this plot was much better. I also think that this series could be read first; in fact, it might be better.


  1. The truth about Will. I can’t spoil this, no matter how much I want to [I’m eating chocolate right now and it’s really good…], so I will just say this: you learn more about him, and your opinion about him might soften. Or at least mine did, considering I hated him after Clockwork Angel.
  2. Sophie has a bigger role. I find Sophie very sweet and lovable, and I was very glad to see her friendship play out with Tessa. I like how they talk about very girlish, simple things, like boys and relationships, but also consult each other about larger issues.
  3. Jessamine is much more interesting. I was fascinated with Jessamine in the first book, but she was just the sour-faced girl on the side. But now she has a role, an actual, complex part. I applaud Clare for adding her in and making the story more interesting.

thumbs up animated GIF

But, alas, even Clare’s books have flaws.

I noticed in this book more clichés:

  • biting your lip and bleeding as a result
  • clenching hands and white knuckles
  • melodramatic

Clichés make me cringe inwardly. They are all so dramatic and unrealistic that I can’t help wonder what the author was thinking. Have they seen people in real life? I think.

Plot twists were around every corner, which kept me on my toes and reading. Good job, Cassandra Clare! I think that is one of her [many] strong points. Of course, a character had to die already, just like in TMI.

Oh, and the cliff hanger! That would have killed me if I didn’t have the next book. Thankfully, I did.

I enjoyed the second installment of The Infernal Devices a lot and have already begun Clockwork Princess.  I think I know what will happen, because Instagram likes to spoil things for me, and I’ve read the series after this which gives stuff away, but oh well.

Have you read Clockwork Prince? Did you enjoy it? Did you notice the clichés ? Tell me in the comments below.


Book Review: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

Title: Clockwork Angel

Author: Cassandra Clare

Number of Pages: 476

Genre: YA Fantasy

Overall Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Synopsis: In a time when Shadowhunters are barely winning the fight against the forces of darkness, one battle will change the course of history forever. Welcome to the Infernal Devices trilogy, a stunning and dangerous prequel to the New York Times bestselling Mortal Instruments series.

The year is 1878. Tessa Gray descends into London’s dark supernatural underworld in search of her missing brother. She soon discovers that her only allies are the demon-slaying Shadowhunters—including Will and Jem, the mysterious boys she is attracted to. Soon they find themselves up against the Pandemonium Club, a secret organization of vampires, demons, warlocks, and humans. Equipped with a magical army of unstoppable clockwork creatures, the Club is out to rule the British Empire, and only Tessa and her allies can stop them….

Discussion: I really do love Cassandra Clare’s work and the Shadowhunter world she has created. I was so happy to be back in the realm after the conclusion of City of Heavenly Fire. I also found out a few things.

  1. Will Herondale is Jace’s ancestor. TBH, if they didn’t show names, it would have been obvious anyway. Their demeanors are identical, although I prefer Jace. I don’t like Will much, even if every other fangirl alive loooves him. Beauty comes from within, peoples. duh animated GIF
  2. Tessa Gray is [SPOILER ALERT!] the same one who was part of Clary’s namesake. How cool is that? So that means she is a warlock, and is immortal. But doesn’t that mean that the Silent Brother who turned human [or something else…] becomes her boyfriend? what animated GIF
  3. Church the cat is immortal; yay!!! I love Church.
cat animated GIF

Awww. =^.^=

I like the plot a lot, and, of course, Cassandra Clare’s writing. Overall it’s just really great.

But let’s get nitpicky.

Clare’s writing, though it is lovely and flowing, is quite filled with clichés. Examples:

  • “I bit my lip, and tasted blood.” When you bite your lip, it doesn’t bleed. Only if you try extremely hard.
  • “I breathed out a breath I didn’t know I’d taken in.” Apparently the biggest cliché in YA.

These bug me. A lot.

If you’ve read The Mortal Instruments, I recommend reading this series. Even if you hadn’t you could read these first.

Note: I am able to post this today, instead of Wednesday. Also, Nakoma is now under My Writing.

Have you read Clockwork Angel? What did you think? Tell me in the comments below.


Stacking the Shelves With Many Books!



So…I went to the bookstore AND the library today, and obtained 11 books in all. [If I did my math correctly.] I am so freaking excited, because–well, you’ll see below. >:)

Books I Bought

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Top to bottom:

Afterworlds by Scott Westerfield-I have been wanting this book ever since I saw a book blogger’s review of it. It’s already amazing.

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare-Finally!

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins-I’m giving it a second chance.

Uglies by Scott Westerfield-I have also been wanting this forever. High hopes!

Books I’m Borrowing


Top to bottom:

Specials by Scott Westerfield

Pretties by Scott Westerfield

Extras by Scott Westerfield

Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

And just because it’s free from the library and utterly cool…

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That’s it for Stacking the Shelves. Unfortunately, the library didn’t have Mockingjay, but hopefully next time I visit they will.

What did you think of my babies books? Tell me in the comments below.


Top Ten Books People Have Been Telling You That You MUST Read and If I Stay Book Review

TTT is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

TTT is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

1. The Infernal Devices series

2. The Book Thief

3. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

4. Out of My Mind

5. Trickster’s Choice

6. Eleanor and Park

7. Fangirl

8. Dorothy Must Die

That’s all I can think of! Any other books you really want me to read? Tell me in the comments below. :)

Meanwhile, while the image to the right says I’m reading City of Heavenly Fire, I, uh, actually was reading If I Stay and finished today. I started it last night and finished this afternoon. How awesome is that? And now a bunch of people want to read it, so I’ll be loaning it to some friends. Now on to the book review!

 If I Stay by Gayle Forman

Title: If I Stay

Author: Gayle Forman

Number of Pages: 234

Genre: YA Contemporary

Overall Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary From Cover: On a day that started like any other…

Mia had everything: a loving family, a gorgeous, adoring boyfriend, and a bright future full of music and full of choices. Then, in an instant, almost all that is taken from her. Caught between life and death, between a happy past and an unknowable future, Mia spends one critical day contemplating the only decision she has left–the most important decision she’ll ever make.

Simultaneously tragic and hopeful, this is a romantic, riveting, and ultimately uplifting story about memory, music, living, dying, loving.

Discussion: If there’s any book that gets five stars, it’s this. Because it was so emotional and wonderful and sad and everything. I mean, seriously, it’s a system overload. I read it in less than 24 hours; I was completely hooked. The story is quite unique, and yet something I bet a lot of us think about, yet never think to write about. Maybe it’s too supernatural.

Throughout the story, I was debating whether or not Mia would choose to live. [That is not giving anything away; the trailer for the movie has this in it.] At the beginning, I thought, of course she’ll want to live! But as visitors came by her bedside, telling her to let go if she wants, and how Mia said it’s easier to die then to live, I thought the opposite: that she would die. I changed my mind so much during my reading, but by the end, in the last few pages, my hope for Mia was what she chose.

If I Stay takes place during one day. So it’s hard to write a whole book about it, especially if it’s 24 hours in the life of a somewhat ghost! And that’s why they added the flashbacks. There really wasn’t much backstory leading up to the “big event,” but when Mia is in the hospital, the flashbacks overwhelm the actual happenings. I lost myself in them, forgetting Mia was dying. They really help move the story along and give you insight into the characters lives. I think they are somewhat the root of the story; they hold Mia to earth, in a way.

A great aspect of the story was how vague it was about Mia’s out of body experience. She’s not a ghost, but not a person. She can see herself in the hospital, but isn’t really the girl with tubes attached and blankets on top of her. The reader, and Mia, is never really sure what Mia is. In the beginning, she tries clicking her heels to Hawaii, like a ghost would, but it doesn’t work, and that’s all we know of Mia’s form.

It ended much too soon. I literally was just staring at the page when it ended, gaping.

shocked animated GIF

And it’s a total cliffhanger!!! I need Where She Went, the sequel!

Other news: Malala Yousafzai’s newest book came in today; I’m picking it up tomorrow. Add it to my TBR list!

I’m on page 431 of CoHF. It’s reaaally good; can’t wait to review it!

Oh, and, right before we go, a really helpful video from Kat the booktuber.

Happy Tuesday!


Yes, I Know It’s Monday

I just had to post today. [And don’t worry, I will do MHM and write afterwards.] I downloaded Scrivener last night, and I’m so happy! After I start using it and get to know it, I’ll probably do a “how to” guide about it on here, so stay tuned! But that could take a month or so…Don’t sit here, staring at your computer screen. Please. Go do stuff! But, yeah, I found that to be pretty great.

A little update on what I’m reading… Yes, I’m still on City of Heavenly Fire. It’s a long book! I’m on about page 400. It’s soooo good. Can’t wait to review it! After CoHF, I’ll read If I Stay. I’m so excited about this! I’ve been wanting to read this book since the beginning of summer; and I can’t wait to see the movie. Here’s the trailer:

I felt connected to the characters just in the trailer! This has got to be an awesome movie.

Then I’ll read a biography of a legally blind sled dog racer, and from there–who knows? [Actually, I will probably read The Infernal Devices series.] I’ll take book recommendations!

I’d like to acknowledge Nevillegirl (aka Engie), who just started following both of my blogs. Head on over to hers here.

And now, I promise you, I’m leaving and heading over to TIMV for MHM. Tomorrow, be prepared for a super cool TTT. [I don’t know what about yet, though. Maybe I’ll check The broke and the Bookish.] AND a video from Kat (aka Katytastic) about writing and how to improve. So you’ll be busy for some time.

See you tomorrow!

Au revoir,


Top Ten Tuesday

TTT is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

TTT is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

It’s that time again: Top Ten Tuesday! This week’s TTT is ten books I cannot wait to get my hands on!

Ten Books I Can’t Wait to Read

1. To Kill a Mocking Bird [It is on my teacher’s shelf!]

2. If I Stay [I got it two days ago.]

3. The Blood of Olympus

4. Winter

5. Dorothy Must Die

6. The Infernal Devices series

7. Graceling

8. Eleanor & Park

9. Fangirl

10. The Book Thief [It slipped through my fingers…]

I can’t wait to read any and all of these!

Also, I did not get to finish Love, Stargirl, because all the library books had to be taken back. The consequences of getting too many books at once… BUT on the bright side, I got two amazing books! One being the recently released City of Heavenly Fire for 25 dollars; it was worth it. And the second, If I Stay. So excited to read it and watch the movie! I hope it lives up to the hype…

Note to self: August TCWT chain is on 22nd for me.

I hope you enjoyed my post! Are there any books on my list you want to read, too, or any books you really want to read that aren’t on it? Tell me in the comments below.

Luv ya bunches! Don’t forget to check out my newly added page, “My Somewhat Social Media.”