Sisterhood of the World Blogging Award

I was nominated by Bridget @ Stay and Watch the Stars AND Rebekah @ Horse Feathers. Thank you so much, both of you! <3 I will be doing both of your questions, because, why not?

The rules:

Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.

Put the Award logo on your blog.

Answer the ten questions sent to you.

Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.

Nominate seven blogs.

The questions from Bridget:

What’s the saddest book you’ve ever read?

It’s a tie between The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

What’s your favorite animal, and why?

CATS. ALL CATS. They’re so furry and soft and adorable and cuddly–I JUST CAN’T. I also find them quite intelligent and peaceful.

Would you rather write a best selling book that everyone loves but you, or write a book that only you love?

why animated GIF

I can’t answer this. Just, no.

What’s your opinion on potatoes? (Yes, this is a very important question. It’s for research purposes.)


They taste good? :P

What’s the longest amount of time you’ve spent marathoning a movie/ TV series?

I’ve never done this. :( I want to, but I never have, IDK why.

Why did you decide to start blogging?

Because I saw another blog and I just had to make one EVEN BETTER.

Jk, jk.

It’s because I saw Sam’s, and I thought it would be cool. Bam–blog!

If you could choose one superpower, what would it be?

Just one? To be able to read people’s minds. I think that would be awesomely creepy and cool. >:D

jeff animated GIF jeff animated GIF jeff animated GIF


What’s your favorite word? (The way it sounds, the meaning, whatever. Just your favorite word, for any reason.)

I really like the word periwinkle. It just sounds so cool. :P

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? (Disregarding costs and such)



That is technically in the world.

What’s the last song you listened to?

I am currently listening to “Ours” by Taylor Swift.

love animated GIF

And no for Rebekah’s fabulous questions:

What is your favorite book ever. Just one. (Mva ha ha)

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG why must you torture me so???

My favorite book changes a lot, so I usually go with my old standby: “Harry Potter.” But I’m feeling…different [nope wrong word] special [no again] adventurous today, so I’m going to go with Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor because I am reading the trilogy right now and it’s just FABULOUS.

What is your favorite animal?

See my other answer.

What are you wearing?

Ummm personal much??? Jk, jk, it’s cool.

I’m wearing my very boring uniform: white collared shirt, navy pants, white sweater. I know. It’s amazing. But next year, at my new school, I get no uniform! *dances awkwardly*

What is your favorite and least favorite food?

Favorite: CHOCOLATE.

It keeps the dementors away.

Least Favorite: Brussels sprouts, cabbage, eggplant, nuts

So like anything really healthy. XD

What is your dream job?

I’m going to add “besides being an author.” And then “besides feminism activist.” Because those are two jobs I’m 60% sure will happen, and I like to dream of the impossible.

I would actually really like to be a flight attendant, You get to see the world! But this probably won’t happen because it takes a lot of training. And you have to be able to walk on a moving plane. In heels.

And I can hardly walk in heels on non-moving ground. So. Not the job for me.

Are you good at Mario Kart?

Never played it…

What is your favorite joke?

I don’t really know…

Top five favorite blogs?

gurl animated GIF

You make me answer thus question? And offend trillions of people? Ah, no.

Are you an outdoor person?

I like the idea of it. But not the bugs. Or dirt. Or lack of wifi.

Have you ever ridden a horse/pony?

I have ridden a horse before. TWICE actually.

like a boss animated GIF

My Questions:

1. What is your favorite GIF?

2. Have you ever met a “famous” author? What was it like?

3. What color would you dye your hair?

4. Coke or Pepsi? Why?

5. 2-10 fandoms you’re in!

6. Best bloggy friend.

7. Least favorite book? Why?

8. Favorite type of chocolate–white, milk, or dark?

9. Favorite fangirly item?

10. Pics of your lock screen and home screen on you phone, if you have one. If you don’t, what would be those pics.

I nominate…

Evi @ Where Books Never End

Sam @ Bookish Serendipity

Cait @ Paper Fury

Emily @The Loony Teen Writer

Matt @ The Little Engine That Couldn’t

Isa @ Books and Stuff

And YOU! If you would like to participate, just leave the link in the comments below and I’ll check it out. :) And if you’re a guy, feel free to change it to “Peoplehood” or something.

Have a fantabulous day/night/afternoon/morning/evening. What would you like to see me post? Tell me in the comments below.

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Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I was nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award by Evi @ Where Books Never End. Thanks, Evi! [Is this award only for girls?]

The Rules:

Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.

Put the award logo on your blog.

Answer the ten questions they’ve set you.

Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.

Nominate ten people.

Evi’s Questions:

1. What is the wackiest/coolest/everything-else-in-between fandom you’re obsessed with?

Wackiest: Dork Diaries by Rachel Renee Russell. They’re kinda weird.

Coolest: The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare. Amazing.

2. What is your favorite song/album/artist?

My favorite song right now is “A Thousand Miles” by Vanessa Carlton.

My favorite album is Brave by Sara Bareilles.

My all-time favorite artist is Taylor Swift.

3. Wierdest search term for your blog? (Or comment.)

Either “in stargirl where can i buy wings” or “pandemonium in the giver.” Pretty weird!

4.What’s the funniest thing someone has said to you/that has happened to you recently?

I honestly don’t know. Hmm…

5. How many bookshelves are in your house (I dunno. I’m curious)?

Seven. Engie has ELEVEN IN HER ROOM!!! O.O

6. Favorite TV show?

The Voice.

7. Favorite animal?

Kitties. =^.^=

8. One thing you would do if you were immortal?

Be extremely lazy and say things like, “But I have forever to do that!” :D

9. Hogwarts house?

Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Mostly Ravenclaw.

10. Godly parent at Camp Half-Blood/Camp Jupiter?

Athena or Zeus.

My Questions:

1. Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year? If so, are you a NaNo Rebel or just regular?

2. Why did you start blogging?

3. Have you written a novel? More than one?

4. Coffee or tea?

5. Fictional soul mate?

6. Ebook or real book? Why?

7. Worst book you’ve read? [A.K.A. Book with lowest rating.]

8. Do you have Pandora? If so, how many stations do you have?

9. Favorite Disney princess + movie? [Mix and match! :) ]

10. Pick one: Most awesome tweet/funniest Instagram picture/Nicest comment.

I nominate…

Emily @ The Loony Teen Writer

Sam @ Bookish Serendipity

Charli @ Charli’s Book Blog

Engie @ Musings From Neville’s Navel

Audrey @ The Measure of a Book

Wordsweheart @ Words We Heart

Lydia @ Musings of a Word Nerd

Xander @ Forever Bookish

Miriam Joy @ Miriam Joy Writes

Nirvana @ Nirvana’s Pocketful

Yay! If I didn’t tag you and you would like to do this tag, feel free to and link to your post in the comments BELOW.

Thank you, again, Evi. :) I’d tag you but… ;)

Also: Check out the page My Writing [cuz it’s coolio!]. It has a link to the Googledoc with Nakoma and my NaNo novel, Bloggish.

That’s it.



Sunshine Award and Things

I was nominated for the

the sunshine awardby Engie from Musings from Neville’s Navel. [Which, BTW, is the most creative blog name I’ve ever heard.] Thank you, Engie!!! Here are five facts about moi:

  1. When I’m bored, I like to either go on Pinterest and look at fandom pins, or search the internet for quotes. Which obviously explains why I’m so wise. :P
  2. I have blue eyes. And I love them! In fact, I love them so much, that I am dying part of my hair their color.
  3. I am sounding really mean, egotistical, and vain right now. And I am not mean, egotistical, or vain. So sorry if that gave you the wrong impression!
  4. My favorite singer of all time is Taylor Swift, but I am afraid she is going off the deep end. Which makes me really sad, because her early songs were so inspiring and uplifting. Literally, if I’m sad, there’s a Tay song for it. Go, Swifties! [But her new song, “Shake It Off,” is so horrid that I’m tempted to say that I am not a Swiftie.]
  5. I really love cats. And cat GIFs. And my cat, Mattipuss. And all things cat-like. Which is why I also love harbor seals and otters.
  6. *BONUS* I am going to participate in a Spanish spelling bee in March. Right now, I’m starting to study. Wish me luck! [Funny story about this. So our Spanish teacher said, “The spelling bee is in March. If you last that long.” I turned to my friend and said, “She makes it sound like we’re going to lie!” And she replied, “It’s like the Hunger Games, but spelling bee version.” I cracked up and laughed so hard.]

And, now, Engie’s five questions. Yay!

What book will you read next?

Malala’s new book, I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World.

Do your parents, siblings, or any other relatives read your blog? What do they think of it?

My parents actually rarely read it. But my sister does. And my maternal grandparents. They also read my novel. They love it, and tell their friends, and all that jazz. I’m famous. XD

What is the funniest thing you’ve seen or heard recently?

See above story about the spelling bee. If that counts.

If you could choose, right now, to be either ten years younger or ten years older than you currently are, which option would you pick?

Ten years older! Because if I was ten years younger, I’d be really little. And I wouldn’t want that.

What is your quest?

My…my quest? *blinks in confusion* Um, to live life to the fullest, carpe diem, carpe librum, and be a generally good person. Oh yeah! That’s mah quest. This girl, right here.

My questions for the upcoming nominees are…

  1. Why did you start your blog? How did you publicize it in the beginning?
  2. Are you a feminist? If so, why? If not, why not?
  3. If you’re a writer, what is your current WIP? If you’re not a writer, what are you reading and what do you think of it? And if you’re not doing either, there is nothing I can do to help you.
  4. What is your Hogwarts house, godly parent, camp (Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter), and faction? And, for those Hunger games fanatics (I don’t get you), do you want to be a tribute and would you survive in the arena? [Do as many as your fandoms allow.]
  5. What is your all-time, favorite Starbucks drink? [And if you don’t go to Starbucks, just–just leave. Go. I can’t even…]
  6. *BONUS* Have you done the ice bucket challenge

I nominate…

Emily @ The Loony Teen Writer

Isa @ Books and Stuff

Audrey @ The Measure of a Book

Sam @ Bookish Serendipity

Ellah @ A Chapter in My Life

I felt like I had more to talk about… Oh well! Reading, writing, and such. Ooh, check out my cool signature thingy.
