Schedule for February 2015 MHM

So, I was going to have a weekly wrap-up, but I’ve decided that starting next week, I will only be doing monthly wrap-ups.

I do have the schedule for February!

February 2:

Sam @ Bookish Serendipity

Mawa @ All Things Wordy

February 9:

Ana @ Butterflies of the Imagination

Engie @ Musings From Neville’s Navel

February 16:

Bridget @ Stay and Watch the Stars

Cait @ Paper Fury

Isa @ A Doodler’s Freedom

I will not be participating this month, sorry. I am just so busy with my new blog and everything.

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Weekly Wrap-Up #21

Time for a weekly wrap-up…

Just to let you know, this will have some announcements and things a bit later. But for now, what did I do this week?

  1. More Science Fair! UGH. I am so done with this, you don’t even know. I am passionate about my topic [desalination] but we have to do an experiment and it is just UGH. Science isn’t really my thing.
  2. I am writing TWO things right now. So, as you know, I am writing my new novel that no one has looked at yet to my knowledge. But we started the hero’s quest thing in school and we have to write a story for it. Being the go-getter and overachiever I am, I have mapped out each chapter and the word count final is 29k. WHY??? However, I am very excited, so I may be leaving the *main* novel for a bit to finish this. #sorrynotsorry
  3. I shadowed again at my future new school. And it was amazing. I cannot wait to go there. The students are really nice and fun, the teachers let you eat chocolate in class, and–yeah, it’s amazing. :D
  4. I really need to work on homework. Which I will do right after this. Probably. YES I WILL. I will. Probably. *facepalm*

I have some announcements.

Announcement #1:

My poll is closed. I got 16 responses, which I guess is good…?


Reveling in Words got the most votes, however my favorite is The Book Hugger. :'( I know that feedback from my readers is important, but I also want to choose what is my favorite. I will probably go with The Book Hugger. I like the sound of it; it’s easy to say and pronounce. It’s not too long, gets the point across. I just really enjoy it.

Announcement #2:

NINE DAYS UNTIL MY BLOGOVERSARY. And I really need to talk to my parents about self-hosting. So I will most likely go self-hosted near the end-ish of February.

Announcement #3:

Yes I am still reading Dreams of Gods and Monsters. Do not judge me. I have been very busy.

Announcement #4:

Starting soon, I am going to have a blogging schedule to balance out my blogging and writing life. It goes a little something like this.

Sunday: Blog and write

Monday: Write

Tuesday: Blog

Wednesday: Blog primarily

Thursday: Write

Friday: Blog primarily

Saturday: Blog and write

“Blog primarily” means blogging first, and then writing if I have time.

What I posted this week:

On Tuesday, I was awarded the Sisterhood of the World Blogging Award.

On Thursday, I reviewed and flailed about Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor.

On Friday, I replied to a comment about feminism for Feminist Fridays.


gurl animated GIF

So. What do you think of my name change and self-hosting-ness? Thoughts on above GIF? Do you have a blogging and/or writing schedule? Ever struggled through Science Fair? Tell me in the comments below and make my day.

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas my minions. ;) I hope you’re having a fabulous day with your family.
I am typing this on my phone so if there are typos, I am sorry.
As you know, after The Bane Chronicles I was *supposed* to read Specials by Scott Westerfield. Unfortunately, I was extremely bored and began Looking for Alaska instead. I read it very quickly; you should expect a review Saturday.
Currently, I am reading Four by Veronica Roth. I may or may not change the image in the sidebar. I’ll see if I can on my phone.
Here is an image of my presents:

On the bookish front, I received the books that I wanted from The Mortal Instruments series and Four.
Otherwise I got lots of little stuff and Beats headphones!!! They’re pink and amazing. 😍
Have a very merry rest of your Christmas!
:) chloe

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! :)

I’m typing this on my phone, so if there are typos or incomprehensible sentences it’s the phone’s fault.

To all you Americans, I’m sure you know what Thanksgiving is. And maybe some of you other people do too. But for everyone else, here is the gist of Thanksgiving: It is a holiday that celebrates giving thanks. So you eat a lot of food and get fat and then on Friday, there are huge sales and it’s a shopping war. [That last part was kind of irrelevant…]

But it’s a really fun time to spend with family and get a break from school.

I am thankful for many things in my life and I’d like to share some with you.

First and foremost, thank you for 90 followers! I can’t believe I’m almost at 100. This girl s crazy. Thank you for reading my blog and commenting and being really awesome, talented friends.

I’m also thankful for clean water, food, my house, all my family, my education, my IRL friends, blogging, books, fandoms, Internet, cats, chocate…the list goes on.

I’d like to give some shoutouts to bloggers/friends I am super thankful for.

Evi @ Where Books Never End: You are an absolutely lovely person and my online twin. Love you lots and hope we can talk more soon!

Isa @ A Doodler’s Freedom and Books and Stuff: I love your blogs; you are such a creative and funny person. I wish we could talk more.

Sam @ Bookish Serendipity: You are my inspiration, my mentor, and most of all, my friend. Your blog is so cool!

Emily @ The Loony Teen Writer: You are hilarious! I adore your blog. You are an amazing writer and I can’t wait to read your books when they’re published.

Those are just a few shoutouts. I love you all! <3

[I can’t insert photos btw.]

In the text,


Weekly Wrap-Up #7

Hello, lovely blogglings! This week went by soooo fast but I am soooo tired. So what happened in my world anyway?

  1. I went back to school on Wednesday. Yay. When I was younger, I used to adore school. Ha. Now I have homeowrk, and actual schoolwork. My days of coloring and learning 2+2 are over. *sigh*
  2. I met Marissa Meyer! Yes, the queen herself. It was the mots amazing thing ever. And I met another blogger, too. :)
  3. I took the entry exams yesterday. I talked about this last week, but in case you’ve forgotten let me repeat it. I’m [probably] going to a new school next year, and part of the entry process are a series of tests, which I took today. It took 3 hours. UGH. But they gave us food! [And by food I mean Rice Krispie Treats, peppermint patties, fruit snacks, and Chex Mix.]
  4. I also went to the Fall Fair yesterday. After the exams, I went to the school’s Fall Fair, which is basically a fund raiser for the school’s clubs, and it’s super fun. They sell food, desserts, baked goods, pizza [Notice a theme?], fun games, USED BOOKS, and used clothing! They transformed a classroom into a thrift shop, and I got a sweater, necklace, and bracelet. As for books, well, you’ll just have to go below to see my haul. The food was DELISH. The only “real” food I had was pizza. [But it had veggies.]
  5. I had a sleepover last night! And you’re not invited. :P Jk, jk. If you’ve been counting down the days till my birthday [Of course you are. :) ], you’d know that there are SIX days until my bday. Which is awesome. Since I’ll be gone that weekend, I’m having my bestie over to celebrate. And so we can watch Harry Potter, because she hasn’t. Fun stuff!


[Yes, I’ve started my own thang for when I get new bookies. ;) ]

So I’m supposed to put images here of my beautiful babies books, but my phone is being stupid and not taking pictures and sending them to me. So I’ll list them instead.

  • Inkheart
  • Redwall #1
  • Ender’s Game
  • The View From Saturday
  • The Alchemist
  • The Amber Spyglass

So, yeah. Those are my bookies. :D

What I Posted:

On Sunday, I reviewed Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare.

On Monday, I did the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, awarded by Sam @ Bookish Serendipity.

On Tuesday, I told you about meeting Marissa Meyer and getting my books signed. :D

On Wednesday, I did a post about NaNoPrepMo and characters.

On Thursday, I posted chapters 24 and 25 of Nakoma.

On Friday, TGIF.

Camping, Reading, and Drinking Iced Tea

I’m camping right now. Amongst bugs. I’m probably reading a lot, maybe writing if my computer is charged enough. I’m also probably drinking lots of iced tea. You probably know by now that I love that stuff. I’m also probably not loving nature.

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Now, don’t get me wrong, I like nature. But…

  1. Bugs.
  2. Bears.
  3. No WiFi.
  4. Hiking.

So, yeah, I’m not crazy about nature.


And I will be in nature. :(

I have a TON of books, and I won’t be able to review them right after I read them. So I will choose three-six to review when I get back…from the forest. Now, I have to go write another post. There will be no TTT.


Weekly Wrap-Up #5

Note: Weekly Wrap-Ups will now be on Saturdays.

Hello, everyone! This week I didn’t post a lot, because of generally being busy and some other complications. I also have not been writing. Which I will [hopefully] fix after I write this. Anyway, let’s get on with things.

On Saturday, I stacked my shelves at a bookstore and library.

On Monday, I reviewed Afterworlds by Scott Westerfield.

On Tuesday, I shared my list of Top Ten Books That Were Hard to Read.

On Friday, I reviewed The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

That’s pretty much it.

3d animated GIFPoll time!

Also: Go to AGV to sign up for My Hero Monday. It starts this Monday and I only have two people.
